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5 Ways to Renew your Marketing Strategy

New Year, New You? That's probably not why you're reading this blog. So let's try New Year, New Marketing Strategy?

Ok, maybe you don't need a completely new strategy. But the new year is a great time to reassess your current strategy and make any necessary adjustments or changes. Of course, if you feel like you need help with this then please feel free to get in touch, I'd be more than happy to develop or create a strategy for you!

Of course, you should regularly update your marketing strategy but it's very important to get the new year off on the right foot. You wouldn't start a journey without a map would you? (or Satnav) So why make it up as you go along with your Marketing Strategy!?

1 - Analyse your Data

Before you do anything, you need to understand what did and didn't work last year. Lyfe Marketing have a great detailed list on what data you should be looking at and why.

Check all of your social media platforms, both paid and organic reach, and your search engine performance. This will help you to identify what works and what doesn't. It takes time, but it's the best way to work out where to go next.

2 - Review your Target Audience

If you're going to continue to engage with your Target Audience, you need to understand that their wants and needs change, especially over the course of a year. Not only that, they may be using a different platform to communicate with brands that you need to be on, or maybe research is showing a particular type of content that they're engaging more with. Your audience doesn't stand still.

It may be beneficial to look at new ways of segmenting your target audience to better understand their needs and how to engage with them more effectively. Madison Marketing has a fantastic post on how segmenting your customers can offer a better, more personalised service.

3 - Look at incoming Trends

To succeed in Marketing, you need to get with the times. Trends can come and go quickly so you need to be ready to go with what's hot at the start of the year.

FYI I don't just mean what content is trending on TikTok. I'm talking about the overarching trends that going to impact Digital Marketing over the next 12 months.

Marketing Insider Group have a great article on 21 Digital Marketing Trends 2023 that you need to read. Customer Experience, Employee Activation and Visual Content are all trends you need to be engaging in this year.

4 - Set your Goals

Last, but certainly not least, before you kick off your shiny new strategy, set your Goals and KPIs! Without them, you're not going to be able to measure how well your campaign is progressing and what adjustments need to be made to ensure it continues to run smoothly. It'll also be a great help next year when you do this all again!

Now that you have your new Digital Marketing Strategy, supported by data, a refreshed understanding of your target audience, incoming trends, and clear Goals and KPIs to reach - you're ready to go!

Best of luck this year, lets make 2023 brilliant!

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