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How to create Personas

So, you're still not sure who your Target Audience is? Or maybe you just want to better understand how to attract your audience.

Either way, using Personas is a great way to develop your marketing strategy!

A quick recap on Personas (if you've read last week's blog you can skip this part).

A persona is a detailed representation of your ideal customer, underpinned by research and data!

But how do you create a Persona? Unfortunately, it's not a quick process. You need to do a deep dive into who your ideal customer is.

You need to understand as much about them as possible, such as; their location, age, hobbies, spending patters, and so on. The more research you do, the more detailed you can be about your ideal customer.

Once you know everything there is to know about your Persona, you can then pick marketing strategies that will appeal directly to them!

Of course, if you have multiple products you could create multiple Personas to match each one.

The key point is that the more research you do, the better your understanding will be of your target audience.

Which, in turn, will allow you to make more informed decisions on which marketing techniques will work best!

A Persona is a great way to help you visualise all of that research.

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