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Marketing companies suck at marketing...

Bold claim isn't it, but it's true! Maybe not in the broad sense, but hear me out...

Most marketing companies, big or small, generally don't market themselves very well.

The vast majority must be doing something right because their doors are still open (maybe I'm missing a trick somewhere!?).

However, what I'd like to focus on in this post (definitely not a rant...) is how badly most marketing companies are at Social Media.

Why is that a problem?

Demonstrate your expertise!

It's simple, if a potential customer is looking for a marketing company to run their social media platforms, it's highly likely they will check how potential candidates manage their own channels.

If said company are just posting the same content on each channel at the same time, it shows that they don't understand how to tailor content to each platform effectively or how to schedule for high-traffic times.

Or worse, they do understand but can't be bothered.

It's not a good first impression. You need to demonstrate that you can handle your own social media before someone will trust you with theirs. It's also likely that it won't fill a potential client with confidence that you'll put much effort into anything.

This is why I put as much effort into my own social media, as I do for my clients. It might not lead directly to me gaining more work, but it can definitely lose me work if I don't demonstrate that I know what I'm doing.

So why am I writing a blog post about this?

To be honest, it is more aimed at my fellow marketers in the hope that it will keep them going when you're tempted to be lazy with their content or social media management.

Let's not kid ourselves, we know what people outside of the marketing discipline think when we tell them that we do social media management (it's not a real job, that must so easy, blah blah blah...).

So let's not fall into the trap of bad social media management, for our own sakes!

And if you're reading this because you're considering paying someone to manage your social media channels, firstly feel free to get in touch! Secondly, whoever you decide to work with, make sure you check their profiles first.

You might be surprised, pleasantly or otherwise.

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