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Take a break, it's the Holidays!

This post is about the importance of taking time out over the festive season to rest and recharge. There's no agender here. It's all about encouraging you, yes you, to take a break!

I thought my last blog post of 2022 should be something helpful, instead of me just putting together a sentimental post about my first Christmas as a business owner... that blog is coming out in the new year instead!

Burnout is something that the majority of us come up against at least once in our lives. Sadly however, it's so common and so frequent for many that it almost becomes part of our working lives.

It doesn't matter if you're employed or self-employed (trust me I've been both and I've still overdone it in both instances!) you always feel pressured to push yourself further than you should. Sometimes deliberately by a less than kind boss (speaking from experience here) or from yourself thinking that you need to do more (again speaking first-hand here).

But I'm here to tell you, and myself, to stop that. Right now! Seriously.

Getting your work life balance is more important than ever, and the festive season is the perfect time to get into good habits for next year! Even if its a day or two, make time for YOU! Whether that's going on a walk, seeing family and friends, or just relaxing at home playing games. It doesn't matter! Take time to do whatever makes you feel happy and rested.

Work to live, don't live to work!

And with that, I'm signing off for 2022. See you in the new year, have a great rest!

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