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Top 5 Content Creation Tips!

Have you ever struggled to think of things to post? Here's a handy guide to not only help you think of fresh content, but also to make sure it works!

1. Understand your audience

This might seem obvious, but it's critical. If you don't understand your audience and what they'll engage with, then the rest of this post isn't going to help!

I've already written a post about understanding your target audience, so I'd recommend reading that first and coming back. Don't worry, I'll wait...

2. Use Content Pillars

Back? Good, lets move on. Content Pillars are a really useful tool that will allow you to categorise your content into groups.

I've already written a post about creating Content Pillars, but rather than send you away again lets have a little recap!

Content pillars are a set of themes or topics that you can use to help create and categorise your content. It also makes it easier to track and improve your content as you refine was works best with your audience.

It can be anything from education, to entertainment and mindfulness!

If you've followed step one then you should be able to work out which content pillar will work best for driving engagement with your audience.

So you know what your audience will engage with, and you know what kinds of content you want to create.

Now it's time to start researching exactly what you want create, and there's two ways to do it.

3. Look at your competitors

It might sound like your copying them, but you're not in school anymore! Yes, if you completely rip off their ideas and copy them identically then you're just going to look lazy.

However, you can look at what content they're posting and identify what is and isn't working!

If nothing else, this will give you a good starting point to work out what kind of content you think will work for your audience.

But be careful! Your competitors might be targeting a slightly different audience to you, so always keep your own audience in mind when you're researching!

4. Research Trends

It's not easy to stay current, especially when trends appear quickly and can become stale the moment the next big thing comes around.

Memes are especially difficult to keep up with, especially on Tiktok where time is of the essence. Funnily enough, I've already written a post about Meme Marketing (there's a theme developing here), so check that out for more detail on how to meme.

The easiest way to work out what's trending is to go on each platform and have a look around! What are people engaging with? Is a trend on the rise or tailing off? Each platform has a different way of showing you what's hot right. For once I don't have a post I've already written about this, but I will soon!

5. Canva!

You've worked out who your marketing to, what content you want to put out, and what's trending. Now it's time to actually make something!

Gone are the days of buying and learning photoshop. There are a lot of amazing free tools you can access online that'll produce professional content, and they're very user friendly!

Canva is possibly one of the best things to happen to marketers since the creation of those, probably much smarter than us by now, smart phones.

Canva is a very easy platform that offers a free and paid service, but the free service provides more than enough templates for you to work with. they sub categorise everything for you, so when you want to create a post for Instagram you aren't going to be worried it won't fit!

You can even create videos, thumbnails, covers, flyers - you name it, you can create it!

In fact, it's such a great platform I'm going to need to create another post about it or else we could be here all day!

So now you have everything you need, get out there and start making

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