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What on earth is a Micro-Influencer!?

Bigger isn't always better, and that certainly goes for Influencer Marketing!

If you're unsure what an Influencer is, simply put it's an influential person (usually a celebrity, but not always!) who can work in partnership with a brand to promote their product or service to their followers. It can't just be anyone, their audience must be interested in the product or service. It's a waste of time and money, and can be damaging to the influencer's own brand if it's the wrong product.

If still unsure, Influencer Marketing Hub have put together a great post about what Influencer Marketing is.

What are Micro-Influencers?

They're influencers, but smaller. They don't have over 100,000 followers, but they also don't have 100. The bracket varies but the lovely people at Influencer Marketing Ltd believe it's between 3,000 and 100,000 followers, which provides a good idea of how varied the world of Micro-Influencers can be.

Why is smaller better?

The benefit of Micro-Influencers is that they have a closer, more niche following that might yield better results.

The more obvious benefit is that they're considerably cheaper to work with than the heavyweights of social media. But that's not to say that they're just going to work with anyone. It may sound shallow, but the way their audience perceives them is very important to their business. So if your values don't line up with theirs then they'll probably say thanks, but not thanks.

Should I work with Micro-Influencers?

If you've identified the right Micro-Influencer with the right audience for your product or service, then yes absolutely!

The key benefit of working with Micro-Influencers is a higher ROI. With a lower cost to working with them and a potentially more niche engaged audience, you could be more likely to get a better return for your investment.

Of course, it's important to note that this is another tool in your marketing war chest. It's potentially a powerful tool, but you need to make sure all of your marketing basics are aligned first, but you already knew that!

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