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Who is YOUR Target Audience?

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

That's the big question you should ask yourself before you do ANYTHING ELSE.

If you don't know who you're selling to, you can't; create your product branding, decide on your marketing strategy, curate your content, understand where to advertise...

Have I got the point across? No? Ok fine, let me explain!

But before I do that, what is a target audience? Simply put, they're a group of potential customers you want to engage with in the hope they will buy your product.

A target audience is defined through multiple demographics, such as; age, location, gender, profession, income etc!

Got it? Good! But how do you find your target audience?

Here are a couple of methods:


If you've got a website and a few social media channels (if you don't you shouldn't be reading this yet) then you have plenty of analytical data at your disposal.

What is Data Analytics? It's raw data your pages gather that can tell you who's viewing and engaging with your brand.

For example, if you know where the majority of your audience lives, you'll know what location your adverts should target!

You can then go deeper with gender, age, profession and so on!

Create Personas!

But what if you're a new brand and you don't have a wealth of data? Tackle the problem from the opposite side and create personas!

A persona is an ideal customer you would like to sell your product to.

This then allows you to devise a marketing strategy and branding that will appeal to that ideal customer.

Tune in next week for a post about how to create personas. Or, you could just get me to do it for you!

Of course, using both methods is even better, but be careful! The more your drill into a specific target audience, the small that audience will become.

It's all about a balance between reaching those who already engage with your brand, and the people you'd like to engage with it!

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