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Why is T-Shirt Marketing Important?

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

I've already made a couple of videos on this subject, you can find them both on my Tiktok.

Simply put, it's a cost effective way to promote your brand. Anyone wearing it becomes a walking billboard for your brand. Don't believe me? Next time you're out see how many brand you can count on T-Shirts (Don't be creepy about it though, ok?).

Is it as simple as putting your logo on a shirt? Not necessarily, that all depends on what you're trying to achieve.

If you just want to stand out at a networking event, then a nice polo shirt with your logo on it will help you stand out from the crowd (see my example below!). Big shout- out to Bevan The Barbarian for making them for me!

It shows potential clients or customers that you've put in that extra effort and is a great conversation starter!

However, if you want to sell your T-Shirts then you're going to need to put in a bit more effort. An amazing design can not only drive sales of said T-Shirt, but also encourage people to ask your customers where they got them from (aka Word of Mouth Marketing - we'll go more in depth about this another time!)

If you're not sure you've got the skills to create an eye-catching design, checkout Fivver. You can find some amazing graphic designers on there, it's where I had my logo created!

So there you have it! If you want to stand out from the crowd from the start, get some T-Shirts made!

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